Magical Light Foundation



About Us

We are a non-religious, non-profit organisation that aims to help those who cannot help themselves. By doing so, we aim to bring hope, peace and warmth to people in need everywhere. That way, we give the disenfranchised and the underprivileged a chance to shape new meaning in their lives.

It all started in June 2012.

We learnt about the plight of countless refugees and displaced children based at the northern region of Thailand. Marginalised by politics and poverty, they are stranded with little, or nothing at all, in a foreign land. This prompted us to start a foundation in Chiang Mai to help rebuild their lives.

Hence, the Magical Light Foundation was formed.

We are proud to be the FIRST Singaporean Foundation registered in Thailand.

Our Objectives

Since April 2012, we have been making field trips to Chiang Mai Thailand. We saw, heard and felt the needs of the underprivileged and refugees residing in that region. Many have been abandoned and all are living with little or no access to basic needs.
After meeting other foundations and visiting of a refugee camp, we decided to set up a foundation with the direction:

  • To set up language classes for the underprivileged kids teaching them Thai, English, their mother language and Chinese (in the future) to aid them in communication;
  • To set up computer classes for underprivileged kids to give them a chance to learn basic computer skills, including graphics and production. At the same time, we will be bringing mobile computer classes to those who are unable to attend our classes;
  • To have an arts gallery promoting underprivileged children’s talents, to encourage and cultivate them through the sale of their arts and crafts;
  • To have a library for underprivileged kids to have a chance to read and cultivate their reading habits;
  • To have a cafe to promote our causes and a place for people to mingle and to help to support our causes through eating in our cafe.

Updates of Magical Light Foundation

Yesterday food and other necessities distribution to the 300 + Shan people continue till late.

Posted by Ben Cheong on Tuesday, 24 November 2015

A challenging and fulfilling distribution of basic necessities to 86 families about 300 Shan migrant workers in an...

Posted by Jose Tay on Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Loading up food and other basic necessities to distribute to 86 very poor Shan refugees families staying in the mountainous region of Fang.

Posted by Ben Cheong on Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Villagers living with cataract disease can be cured with a simple 10 min operation at US$80 each. My compassionate...

Posted by Magical Light Foundation, Chiang Mai on Tuesday, 10 November 2015


We truly appreciate everyone who has come forward to volunteer with us at Magical Light Foundation.

Please download and fill up the form (available in the download link below) if you would like to volunteer with us.

As we are always receiving queries on logistics and how to plan for the time while you are here helping, we have a little FAQ guide written here for volunteers to better prepare their time while helping out with the children.

We hope this guide will make your stay with us a memorable and enriching experience.

Volunteer Guide
Volunteer Form